Escape to Wonderland at The Lightbox:
As we wave farewell to the sleepy days of summer, we usher in an exciting new term with fresh events and exhibitions. To complement the Indian Summer congratulations are due to The Lightbox, a leading regional public art gallery that has recently opened its extensive, comprehensive and thoroughly enjoyable exhibition of the history of picture book illustration.
Embracing work from the great names of the nineteenth century to many of our modern and contemporary classic books it includes many of our very own Illustrationcupboard artists, and offers a definite overview of the achievements to be found in this field of artistic and literary accomplishment. Director Marilyn Scott and her team have pulled together a broad range of original artwork appealling to both collectors as well as families in general. There is also an extensive range of workshops, illustrators' lectures, book signings and other events for which tickets are going fast! Entrance to the exhibition is free, and lunch at the excellent gallery cafe to be heartily recommended. For more details visit the website at www.thelightbox.org.uk and escape off to Wonderland ...