In the words of the much-loved Mole,' Hang spring-cleaning'. In a move that can only be described as from the sublime to the ridiculous the wintry day of February were brushed aside in a fit of new-year enthusiasm for some predictive refurbishment. With renewed zeal I donned the ear muffs and mask, and roared in to action with an antiquated sanding machine more akin to my grandfather's petrol-fired lawn mower in an attempt to revitalise the elegant but tired parquet floor. Apart from nearly killing the patron it almost proved to be the sonic decimation of St James's, and after two days of what was later described a 'barking' enthusiasm I was gently persuaded to hand over to someone who knew what they were doing. The gallery is now re-sanded to perfection and re-painted to precision and awaits the many visitors we hope will attend our exciting array of exhibits and events in 2010. Earmuffs are entirely optional.