We were delighted to host a reception for the Booktrust Ten Best New Illustrators Award which was announced on Tuesday evening, and offer a hearty congratulations to the winners.
There was a packed house of the great and the good from the publishing world here at the gallery to witness the announcement, and applaud as awards were distributed to the winners. Anthony Browne, current Children's Laureate, spoke inspiringly about the good work that Booktrust performs for the promotion of reading and literature, and Lauren Child followed up by congratulating the winners and reminding us all that this final selection by no means excluded the hundred or so other writers and artists who had entered this competition and that in this game there are no losers.
The party ran late in to the evening with lavish hospitality from Booktrust adding to the warmth of a lovely sunny spring night as guests spilled out on to the street in a carnival-like atmosphere of celebration. Further details can be found on Booktrust website as follows: www.booktrust.org.uk