Saturday, 5 December 2015

The 20th Annual Winter Exhibition 2015 and The Christmas Eve Tree book launch

The Christmas season has got off to a sparkling start with the launch of our 20th Annual Winter Exhibition on the 18th November, followed hot on the heels by the book launch and celebration of The Christmas Eve Tree.

The book has a special connection with Illustrationcupboard Gallery as it was written by the late Delia Huddy, mother of the gallery founder John.  The manuscript had been hidden in a drawer at Walker Books and was only recently re-discovered and published.

The book has also been already translated into a number of languages including 
German, Spanish, French and Japanese!

First edition copies of the book signed by illustrator Emily Sutton available to
 purchase from the gallery, and over the phone for £12.99.  
Below, Emily diligently signs copies of the book for visitors at the book launch last Wednesday.

At the launch there was a wonderful turnout by family, friends and colleagues with a air of happy remembrance, love and affection. A kind and well-appointed address to the packed gallery was given by publisher Caroline Royds, Julia MacRae and long-standing family friend Colonel Lawrence.

Above Daphne of Illustrationcupboard Gallery shows off The Christmas Eve Tree 
in front of original gouache artwork by Emily Sutton. 
This work, along with signed copies of the book, is available for purchase.