This year's 14th such show kicked off to no less excitement than usual. A host of artists, collectors, publishers and well-wishers joined us to celebrate, and as the refreshing bubbles were quaffed amidst the excited chatter of old friends re-united a host of new pictures were celebrated. The best collection to date we are proud to show this work here in central London, all of which is featured our new catalogue for 2010 available at the gallery, and also previewed on our website at www.illustrationcupboard.com. The collection includes terrific new work by many of the world's finest illustrators, and we are also delighted to include for the first time graphic novel artwork and an ever increasing range of film animation artwork.
With a broad range of signed first edition books, special silk screens and original artwork on show there is truly something for everybody in this colourful and engaging collection. All signed books are sold at cover price, and original artwork starts at £150. Well worth a festive visit should you be visiting the bright lights of central London, and a warm welcome waits all during the yuletide season. For those tucked up with the dog next to a warm fire-side at home everything can be acquired via our website online purchasing facility and swift delivery service.
Above: Christopher Wormell with a keen collector admires the rare signed pictures of Where The Wild Things Are during our opening reception.