The fall in New England is, with good reason, regarded as one of the great natural sights, and sure enough I was not disappointed when I was fortuante enough to witness first-hand the the iridescent foliage at the peaceful dwelling of Gennady Spirin. Delighted to be invited once again for tea to the home of this awe-inspiring artist I headed by train out to the New Jersey countryside to be welcomed with black tea and several hearty Hа здоровье!
Feeling slightly light-headed a most pleasant afternon was spent surveying Gennady's stunning artwork which is featured in our current Winter Exhibition at the gallery here in London. The Night Before Christmas and Jack and the Beanstalk show the sheer vituosity of this classically trained Russian and are worthy of a trip to see these alone. I recall the words of top illustrator Michael Foreman as we studied this artwork on the gallery walls at the opening night. 'Proper stuff that' he muttered. With or without vodka, I can little more than concur. (Photo courtesy of Tatiana Popova)